We are all a lot things, aren’t we? Am I a man, a father or a son? I am poor. I am wealthy. I am a husband. A friend. I am old and I am young. I am a memory for some, and a future for others. I am a face in the crowd, or in an old photo…lost. I am a writer, a thinker, a creator, a client, a peddler, a mentor and an advisor. I am a cheerleader. I am a player. I am everything to some. And I am nothing to most. Could I be just a spirit guide having a temporal cosmic and physical experience? So who I am may matter not. For THIS to matter takes understanding, listening and words…shared…and experienced, while there still is time left. So for now, I am THISday. Just like you. I am THISday, because there is no such thing as THISyesterday or THIStommorrow. I have decided, that is Who I Am.
Other than all that…I am just a writer/thinker/entrepreneur who thought it was time to share THISday. It’s time to do my humanly duty to give some, be some, share some…Awesome!
Thanks for coming along,
The thing I loved about THISday by Philip Gabbard is its honesty. He did not conform to the traditional layout and spoke his mind as if writing in his journal, or writing to a very close friend. Here is my THISday by Philip Gabbard Book Review…
Choosing THISday exposes & energizes a dynamic, fresh conversation and provides a better understanding from which to enhance our life’s most valuable moments and empower our days…with the simplest of tools – our words.
Thrivation is the BIG-idea philosophy of an Everyman whose wisdom may help us transcend the circle of life and death carousel and help ensure that we leave an everlasting imprint on this planet and humanity. In a word, THRIVE!Thrivation is the mission, if not an empirical mandate, to grow, inspire, and manifest more of what we value from our species and more of what we want to ensure that our future generations enjoy.
To truly know, we must show others what we’ve discovered. To Know What I Know is the story about helping others, no matter where they are from. In time, we will soon discover that we are all from the same place and that our experiences will help us help one another. Today you will meet Mili, Diego, and Eleven, along their journey to learning, sharing, and knowing that one another makes their world a better place.